Projects and News
Initial Notice submitted...on the construction of 3 terraced 3 storey mews houses with basement.
Initial Notice accepted...on the extensions and alterations to form 13 flats by conversion and 21 new build flats.
CBC appointed building control...on the demolition of existing building and erection of 2no. three storey semi-detached houses.
CBC appointed Building Control....on a two storey side extension, extension of existing habitable loft, single storey rear extension, internal and external alterations.
Initial Notice accepted...on a new build detached dwelling.
Initial Notice accepted...on the conversion of barn to two storey dwelling & treatment plant.
Initial Notice submitted...on the erection of a single storey building with proposed office space and associated facilities.
CBC is pleased to...have achieved its renewal, for the next 3 years, by the British Assessment Bureau, of the globally recognised standard for quality management systems – ISO 9001:2015.
Initial Notice submitted on...the erection of two, 3-bedroom detached dwelling houses.
Initial Notice submitted...on the demolition of existing house and replacement with 9no. detached dwellings.
Works are now complete...on the separation of an existing commercial unit, within a three storey building, into 2 units, and all associated works.
Initial Notice accepted...on the conversion of offices to 15no. residential units
Initial Notice accepted on...the erection of a single storey warehouse unit (shell only).
Initial Notice accepted...on the erection of 4no. detached houses and minor alteration to the existing dwelling.

Cambridge Crescent - Phase 1, 119 new homes and four commercial units.
Initial Notice submitted...on the construction of additional storey extension to accommodate 9no. self contained residential units to an existing three storey flat block development with all associated works.