Projects and News
Initial Notice accepted build detached dwelling and detached outbuilding, containing a swimming pool.

Renovation and alterations to the Duddleswell Café and Lifestyle
Initial Notice submitted...on barn conversions (grain store) to create 2no. 4 bed dwellings and erection of 2no. detached car port/garages.
CBC Appointed building control...on the erection of a three storey property with roof accommodation and creation of 5 self-contained flats.
CBC appointed building control...on the first floor conversion to form events venue, alterations and refurbishment.
Initial Notice submitted...on the construction of 9no. new dwellings.
CBC appointed building control...on the construction of a new-build dwelling.
Initial Notice submitted...on the change of use from veterinary surgery with flat above and separate attached house. To a vets on the whole ground floor with a live in work flat at first floor and separated vets lab/staff room at first floor.

4 no. new build detached dwelling houses and detached car port for plots 1 & 2.
Initial Notice accepted...on the internal works to create workshop space, meeting and office rooms (Ground floor).
Initial Notice submitted...on the construction of two semi-detached dwellings.
CBC appointed building control...on the erection of a detached 3 bed dwelling with outbuilding and detached garage.
Initial Notice accepted...on the extensions and alterations to workshop and warehouse, Also, extension and alterations to showroom.
Initial Notice submitted...on the construction of a single-storey rear extension with a terrace, a two-storey lean-to side extension, an external staircase to lower ground. Removal of, and extension to existing dormer. Replacement and alteration of fenestration, and associated works.
CBC appointed building control...on the change of use from offices to create 19 residential apartments.